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Rosie Lux

Seasonal Yoga

A sustainable yoga practice is one that aligns with the seasons. I love this time of year because the shift is so apparent; the air is fresher, the light changes and leaves fall from the trees. It feels like everywhere I look, I see signs of the ‘yang’ abundant energy of summer gracefully giving way to the 'yin' and surrender of autumn.


In a few weeks the clocks go back and the nights start drawing in. It's not uncommon to find the transition a little depressing. However; after decades of practice I know that yoga has the potential to lift our spirits and lighten up the dark days of autumn.

In many traditions the point when we enter the darkest phase of the year is seen as a new beginning rather than an ending. I love that! It’s easy to love the beauty of the red, yellow, orange and crimson autumn leaves, it’s harder to enjoy the sodden piles of old brown leaves that are dying back. The composting phase of the year is not pretty, but it’s an essential part of life.

The Buddha reminds us that a lotus cannot flower if its roots are resting upon marble.

This autumn let’s whole heartedly welcome the composting phase of the year. The dominant energy is that of heaviness, darkness, dormancy and decay. Notice those feelings in your body when you practice, and how you can honour them.

If you're practicing with me at the moment, expect postures and breathing exercises that put you in touch with the seasonal quality of your whole body. There are three ways to receive these sessions; in person, live on zoom or via recordings; Yoga with me has never been so accessible!

If you'd like to learn about yoga and living sustainably, my next teacher training course starts in February 2021. In spring our energies rise which is why it's a great time to take on a new project. First and foremost this is a course in personal development and... Who knows where it will take you!


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