Autumn is the perfect time to explore balance in your yoga practice and yogic lifestyle. It’s the season to bring balance to body and mind. Now is your time to pause after the season of growth and consider how best to recuperate, regenerate and replenish your energy.
Can you feel the shift? There’s an emphasis from sun to moon, night to dark, action to contemplation, growth to dormancy, building up to letting go.
This process of drawing inward is pratyhara, a conscious withdrawing. During our yoga practice we move in and out of neutral, and in this way we come home to ourselves. During the pause we recognise tension in the body, make subtle adjustments to our posture, observe the flow of thoughts passing through the mind, tune into the breath and let things settle.
When your life is in balance, you feel connected, carried by the flow of life, on the right track, happy, optimistic, generous, tolerant of others.

A mindful mantra for autumn; I feel held by the web of life
My weekly class is Wednesday 7.30- 8.45pm @ Hove Methodist Church or from the comfort of your own hOMe via zoom. I also teach private sessions, yoga tailored to you.