It’s impossible to always be on, available, and in full bloom all year round. This idea that we should because everyone else is (or they appear to be), is making people pretty sick and tired.
The summer season and August in particular is an interesting time energetically; people take time off, so for those of us working, we get used to slower replies, until it’s our time for a break. To rest and recharge. Summer is also a time where nature shows us what it’s been working towards all year; plants and flowers displaying their vibrant colours and textures. You might have felt some of that with the number of social invitations or weddings?
An intriguing combination; the deep need to rest and interrupt routine, whilst nature and perhaps our calendar are in full bloom. It’s about now as the leaves begin to turn that we can feel a bit scattered. Are we clinging on to summer, or giving into Autumn? Normally I’d recommend turning to nature for the cue. But it seems as confused as we are. Yesterday I collected some autumn leaves before sweating in an astonishingly humid Barre class and cycled home from my adventures in the rain.
The timeline this year is very strange. Unpredictability, changeable, shifts, transitions... These words all bring up feelings in the mind and the body. And you wouldn’t have read this far if you didn’t already know that nature and its rhythms have a big impact on us. If you’re feeling slightly all over the place, you're in good company.

Autumn is a blend of returning to routine and a desire to shake things up (or buy a new pencil case). I think dancing with those polarities is going to be helpful. Lean into the good parts of your routine, especially the things you’ve missed, and be open to this energy of mixing things up. September often feels like a mini new year.
Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower
Our class returns for 11 weeks on 7th September. You can drop in or take advantage of a price drop when everything else is getting more expensive; all 11 classes for £90 when you pay before 31st August (thereafter £100) or £75 per person when you book with a friend and both pay before 31st August (thereafter £95).
The dates are; 7th, 14th, 28th Sept, 5th, 12th, 19th Oct, 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th Nov 2022. Click here for class details.