My life is full, not busy. That little shift in language makes a big difference to my mindset, when life is err... busy!
I’m currently studying for a Masters in Yoga and Meditation at SOAS University, I’m training a wonderful group of people to become Yoga teachers, mentoring teachers, attending my fourth Yoga Teacher Training, oh and I’m working as normal; teaching weekly classes & retreats, writing these blogs and publishing the Yoga Pose Podcast.
My work schedule has increased as I now have a bi weekly commute to London, and it would appear that Masters aren’t just given away; I have a lot of essays to write! All work and no play makes Rosie Pose a dull woman huh? Not so! I still have a lot of free time; watch movies, see friends and play sports.
I'm not special, if any of us wrote down all the work and personal responsibilities we have, it would be long and impressive list. So how do we us manage all the plates we're spinning?
My answer is; ‘there are more plates in the sink.’ Both literally and metaphorically. I let the washing up pile up, and it doesn’t bother me! It gets sorted, but not as I go along... Something has to give, and I realised that a piled up sink is a sign I’m being productive; engaged in studies, taking my teaching career to the next level and all whilst training teachers to start theirs!
...Or the 'plates' which could be a metaphor for unread emails, are an example of how much fun I’ve been having, playing tennis, gardening and going out brunch.

For this month, perhaps you feel inspired to consider what you can allow to pile up in favour of prioritising people, projects and rest.
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My Yoga Pose Podcast of guided meditations, wit and wisdom is free and available wherever you like to listen to podcasts or here on Apple.
If you found this article enjoyable, leave a comment and share on social media. Thank you, Rosie Pose x