I’m a list writer and I love stationary which means I'm really happy when I’m writing lists in different notepads!
Lists are great because they help me organise, focus and feel productive. My Not To Do List however, is invaluable. What do you mean you haven’t heard of a Not To Do List? -Ok, it might be because it’s something I made up!
I first made one when I was experiencing feelings of overwhelm. I was incredibly stressed, suffering from adrenal fatigue, poor sleep patterns and really miserable. I had trouble focusing on one task at a time, I literally couldn’t sit still; If I watched a movie at home I’d get up multiple times to make hot drinks which I’d then forget about so drink them cold or, I’d sit still but fall asleep. I couldn’t be present.
A Not To Do List helped me make some small changes, that have led to a whole lot more presence in my life.
What’s on the Not To Do List then?
I don’t send gifs, videos forward on links. Those messages don't feel that personal. A standard reply to that kind of message would be 'lol' or 'love this' so when I receive gifs etc I'll ask start a conversation in response.
I don’t drink caffeine, that makes me wired and a bit manic, I get grand ideas that I can complete loads of things allatonceandistartloadsofprojectsandoverwhelmmyself!
I don’t go to the gym at 6am any more. The combination of the early start and high intensity of a gym class puts me in fight or flight and I find it hard to connect with people with those stress hormones coarsing through my body.
I don’t say ‘yes’ when really I mean ‘no.’ So I decline some social events (always love an invite though). I have a large friendship group and really enjoy time with friends. I prefer small groups or 1:1 which is easier for me to give my undivided attention to.

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Thank you, Rosie Pose x