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Half Way Point

Rosie Lux

In addition to a weekly practice I've been doing some Sun Salutations and some leg stretches at home and I've noticed a definite improvement. These small gains are quite motivating!


I recognise that I don’t need to be a bendy yogi, and, given the sports I play, I’m never going to be really flexible. My goal is to increase my range of motion.

I'm at the half way point, so it seems a good time to check in with the concerns I had before I started yoga;

  • My tight hamstrings

I’m noticing an improvement, but more than that, I’ve also stopped fixating on hamstrings, having learned that my type of training has shortened my posterior chain; it’s not just my hammies I need to lengthen!

  • Will I be the only guy?

There’s definitely a good mix of males and females, we’re a friendly group and it’s nice to have a bit of a chat before class.

  • Would I feel the benefit and get an endorphin release?

I definitely feel like I’ve had a nice workout after class, which is important for me. I need to have a few muscular aches!

First class £5 (for guys or girls) when you mention Man On The Mat Blog!

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