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Rosie Lux
Mar 3, 20212 min read
Be in Flow
To be in flow requires riding the wave of constant change. I've taken a lot of comfort from Daoism this last year, and really enjoyed...

Rosie Lux
Jan 12, 20211 min read
Do You Want to be Happy?
If you ask people what they want, often you get the answer: “I want to be happy.” But happy is just a biochemical reaction. Neurons...

Rosie Lux
Dec 30, 20202 min read
2021: Your Evolution of Yoga
The first part of the yoga journey is like being young again; we learn through imitating those around us. We strive to execute a pose in...

Rosie Lux
Nov 3, 20203 min read
S-L-O-W Down
The culture of speed we occupy today is a recent phenomenon. Historically, human populations moved in time with the elemental world. We...

Rosie Lux
Oct 22, 20202 min read
The Biology of Belief
What you think, so you become. As a child your bedtime story may have included the various works by the philosopher Dr Seuss. In one book...

Rosie Lux
May 16, 20201 min read
One of the things I'm finding so tough right now is the contraction, the protection of hands and literally keeping people at arms length....

Rosie Lux
Mar 6, 20202 min read
I love dandelions, as one of the first flowers to reveal itself in the Spring, and it’s a good idea to make peace with the weeds, since...

Rosie Lux
Feb 1, 20202 min read
Be Curious
This month we're cultivating curiosity. The latin origin of the word curious is cura which means care. To be curious is therefore a sign...

Rosie Lux
Dec 1, 20192 min read
Time To Hibernate
I'm taking a bit of time off and reducing my teaching schedule this December. So my Wednesday evening Hatha Flow Yoga and Meditation...

Rosie Lux
Nov 15, 20192 min read
Life's An Adventure
This is not a smug travel blog. We can all agree that a regular commute to London is not something to feel excited about, but; it was...

Rosie Lux
Aug 1, 20193 min read
Rocketman & Dharma
“You’ve got to kill the person you were born to be, in order to be the person you want to be.” -A quote from the Rocketman movie. Family,...

Rosie Lux
Jul 20, 20192 min read
Road To Headstand
Headstand or Sirasana is a much photographed pose, and it’s one of the questions that comes up often when students enquire about...

Rosie Lux
Jul 1, 20192 min read
Side Bending
July is all about the side body and occupying space in a world that (is it just me?) seems to be trying to get us to think and feel...

Rosie Lux
Jun 5, 20192 min read
Being Brave
I like watching people do brave things! It’s inspiring and I like studying their behaviour, in the hope of finding things I can use in...

Rosie Lux
Jun 1, 20192 min read
Dog Free Zone
Each month in classes I have a specific focus, and I do this because it adds depth to your practice. I’m not an instructor, I’m a...

Rosie Lux
May 15, 20192 min read
Get A Life
A great piece of guidance I’ve been given was to get a life. I’m pretty sure that due to its delivery the words were in fact an insult,...

Rosie Lux
Apr 18, 20192 min read
Valleys and Hills
I’ve been watching more documentaries to increase my general knowledge and help me understand pop culture references because I have some...

Rosie Lux
Apr 4, 20192 min read
Brahmacharya: Morality of the Yoga Business
Brahmacharya ब्रह्मचर्य is a Yama, or ethical guideline and frequently translated as 'chastity.' Although with all Sanskrit words there's...
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