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Rosie Lux
Dec 7, 20181 min read
Gift of Presence
It's the season to be generous, so I'm giving zero waste gifts of inspiring emails and playlists. As the year draws to a close, I wanted ...

Rosie Lux
Dec 1, 20182 min read
Winter Reading List
Nights are dark and cold, and hopefully I'm not on my own in wanting to stay in, get cosy and read books. The Danish word Hygge...

Rosie Lux
Nov 1, 20184 min read
Practice Patience
I recently attended a course about patience, through Buddhist teachings we were exploring anger. I don't consider myself an angry person,...

Rosie Lux
Oct 1, 20184 min read
Birthday Blog!
I’ve been practicing yoga for 28 years, that’s about 10,220 days that yoga has been a part of my life. Why am I telling you this? It’s my...

Rosie Lux
Sep 1, 20183 min read
Flow State: Living Your Best Life
What is Flow State? Flow exisits between boredom and anxiety! Scientists have measured it and found it exists 4% out of your comfort...

Rosie Lux
Aug 1, 20184 min read
Living Vinyasa
It’s summer holiday season, a time to relax, travel and break the usual routine! I love the adventure of visiting new places, picking up...

Rosie Lux
Jul 16, 20181 min read
Summer Reading List
The summer holidays are approaching, maybe you've already been enjoying time off on the beach. Here are a few of my book...

Rosie Lux
Jul 1, 20184 min read
In a time when so much of our life is documented in social media, a journal is a really honest way to keep a record. What gets published...

Rosie Lux
Jun 1, 20183 min read
Awareness Without Anticipation
One of the best things about being a beginner in yoga is that it’s really hard to anticipate anything. You’re likely to be unfamiliar...

Rosie Lux
May 1, 20184 min read
Don't Hate, Meditate
Do you meditate? What’s meant to happen, and how do you do it? -These are three questions I’m asked a lot. Of course I meditate, every...

Rosie Lux
Dec 1, 20173 min read
A Yogi's Guide to Winter
It’s time to slow down Yogis. Take the cue from nature as plants and animals hunker down to conserve energy. It’s when we override the...

Rosie Lux
Apr 1, 20173 min read
Yoga Addict
When I tell people I have a daily yoga practice, the typical response is 'oh you're good aren't you?' 'Good' has nothing to do with it....

Rosie Lux
Mar 1, 20173 min read
Taking Your Practice To The Next Level
We all start a yoga practice for different reasons; to reduce back pain, help manage stress or maybe it’s to get Madonna’s arms! Whatever...

Rosie Lux
Feb 1, 20173 min read
Give Yourself Some Props!
When I first started to practice, I never used yoga props. I didn’t want to take a block or strap, as that screams BEGINNER! I will grab...

Rosie Lux
Jan 1, 20172 min read
Why Letting Go Is My New Years Resolution
Instead of giving up things for the new year, why not let go? It can be the hardest thing to do in our asana practice. To let go of where...

Rosie Lux
Dec 1, 20162 min read
What World Are You Living In?
A friend encouraged me to watch The Matrix again, as it was a bit wasted on me when it first came out, I was too young to ‘get it.’ Now...

Rosie Lux
Nov 1, 20162 min read
Time Is Not Our Enemy
Tick tock! This image will strike a flutter of panic in most of us. Most of us feel time poor. ‘I’d love to do yoga but I haven’t got the...

Rosie Lux
Oct 1, 20163 min read
Don't Try Too Hard
Most of us come to yoga for a workout, to do our best and we want to feel like we've done something afterwards. Levels of stress and...

Rosie Lux
Aug 1, 20163 min read
Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished. - Lao Tzu
It’s almost the end of August Yogis, it feels like the year is passing by so quickly! I’m reminded of Dr Seuss; How did it get so late so...
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