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Rosie Lux
Sep 8, 20211 min read
Emptying Out
In western societies our bodies are educated to forget their sensibilities. We are indoctrinated to conquer our body. Think of the...

Rosie Lux
Mar 31, 20212 min read
Take it to Heart
The word rhythm comes from the Sanskrit word hrdayam meaning the heart. (It’s obvious now that it’s from Sanskrit, hence there are no...

Rosie Lux
Mar 3, 20212 min read
Be in Flow
To be in flow requires riding the wave of constant change. I've taken a lot of comfort from Daoism this last year, and really enjoyed...

Rosie Lux
Jun 13, 20193 min read
Artist Date
‘Every child is an artist. The problem is to remain an artist once they grow up.’ -Pablo Picasso I read a lot… you must know that by now...

Rosie Lux
Feb 1, 20192 min read
Be YinSpired
On average in the UK right now we get 8-9 hours of daylight, which means our brains have to work harder to produce melatonin which is a...

Rosie Lux
Jan 1, 20193 min read
An Enlightened Perspective
It's the time of year right? Promises are going to be made, delcarations as grand as that Gone With The Wind moment 'as god is my...

Rosie Lux
Dec 27, 20182 min read
It's Time To Rewild
Rewilding is something I’ve been teaching for a while, giving you the chance to feel what rewilding is like for yourselves, before I put...

Rosie Lux
Dec 7, 20181 min read
Gift of Presence
It's the season to be generous, so I'm giving zero waste gifts of inspiring emails and playlists. As the year draws to a close, I wanted ...

Rosie Lux
Dec 1, 20182 min read
Winter Reading List
Nights are dark and cold, and hopefully I'm not on my own in wanting to stay in, get cosy and read books. The Danish word Hygge...

Rosie Lux
Sep 1, 20183 min read
Flow State: Living Your Best Life
What is Flow State? Flow exisits between boredom and anxiety! Scientists have measured it and found it exists 4% out of your comfort...

Rosie Lux
May 1, 20184 min read
Don't Hate, Meditate
Do you meditate? What’s meant to happen, and how do you do it? -These are three questions I’m asked a lot. Of course I meditate, every...

Rosie Lux
Mar 1, 20182 min read
The Path To A Joyful Mind
‘Engage your core’ and ‘squeeze your abs’ are common parlance in gyms and fitness studios. But what is the core, how are we meant to...

Rosie Lux
Feb 1, 20183 min read
Aroma Yoga
Increasingly, we’re all trying to get back into nature, we know the health benefits of plants and herbs. I teach Yoga in a busy urban...

Rosie Lux
Dec 1, 20173 min read
A Yogi's Guide to Winter
It’s time to slow down Yogis. Take the cue from nature as plants and animals hunker down to conserve energy. It’s when we override the...

Rosie Lux
Nov 1, 20173 min read
Star Struck
My new favourite activity after teaching an evening class is to head into the Sussex Countryside to star gaze - I'm often buzzing after...

Rosie Lux
Jul 1, 20173 min read
Turning The World Upside Down
Let's talk about inversions (the upside downy poses in yoga). You've been there in class when the teacher says; ‘Ok now we’re going to...

Rosie Lux
Jun 1, 20173 min read
Putting Your Best Foot Forward
‘I’ve been on my feet all day’ or ‘I’ve been rushed off my feet’ are phrases we use to let someone know how busy we’ve been. But have we...

Rosie Lux
May 1, 20172 min read
Beyond the Asana
Bharadvarjasana is a lovely seated twist, although don’t be surprised if you haven’t done it in a class that often. I haven’t seen it...

Rosie Lux
Apr 21, 20171 min read
Arm Balances & Alignment
I felt really good today and was looking forward to a dynamic yoga practice. It’s nice getting into a routine, and even with a busy...
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